The #1 way to get more leads in the next 30 days

Enter your details to download 7 ways to get more customers

In this report you will discover the 7 main reasons you are not getting as many customers as you could be, which is leaving massive amounts of money on the table in your business.

But don’t worry, once we reveal these reasons to you, we will then show you exactly how to fix it, FAST!

The #1 way to get more leads in the next 30 days

Everyone wants to know how to get more leads for their business right? But not everyone knows how to do it.

Peoples BS radars are on and skepticism is high. We are all too familiar with being sold to poorly.

When someone is marketing to us in the right way, we are often much more open to it… or we don’t even know it’s happening.

What I am going to share with you is the way that people actually like being marketed to. Sometimes you might not even know it, and then all of a sudden you are buying something that you didn’t even know that you needed!

This one thing I am about to share, has created billions of dollars in sales worldwide for many different people, many different businesses in many different industries. So chances are if you are in business, it will work for you.

This is how you are going to outlast your competition and double, triple or even quadruple your leads in the next 30 days?

Sound too good to be true!?

Well, I thought so too until my company put the time and effort in to get more leads and got the results for ourselves.

The thing is, most people aren’t willing to do the work. They just want a quick fix, overnight success or a golden egg.

Well, this strategy is more like getting the goose that lays the golden eggs. So that, if you put in the groundwork, you will be able to produce a never-ending amount of golden eggs… in other words, quality leads and customers.

Want to know how to get the goose!?


Care more about your customers getting what they need, than just getting yourself a sale.

And… there actually is a strategy to it.

It’s called Value-Based Marketing.

NO MORE “Buy. Buy. Buy. We provide the best service, at the lowest price!”

It’s time to GIVE before you ASK.

This is how you will build a sustainable brand. This is how you create lasting relationships, with life long clients.

Slow and steady wins the race.

So how do you do it?

Create content-rich, HIGH-VALUE, FREE information for your customers to consume and benefit from.

It’s about trust-building by positioning yourself as the expert in your industry and building relationships. People won’t think twice about buying from you when they know, love and trust you.

Here are the steps you need to take:

1. Offer valuable content in the way of PDF download, informative video, eBook or white paper.

2. Have a landing page built, so you can get your clients details in exchange for the value you are providing them. This way you can check in on them later and provide more value about other things they might be interested in.

3. Be consistent with your information sharing. Always keep up the communication with your new contacts so your company stays at the forefront of their mind- ready for when they do need your product or service. That way when they going to buy, you will be the only logical choice.

4. Automate your interactions, so you don’t have to live your life consumed by messaging everyone. Make sure you use a platform that allows you to organise your contacts in different pools, so they don’t feel like they are being blanket-marketed to. Automation is all about personalisation these days. People don’t want to feel like they are just a number, and they shouldn’t be.

You will soon find that, if you follow these few steps and do it right, you will have a consistent flow of customers knocking at your door.

Here are some numbers to show you why this works…It’s all about the number of touch-points and care you show.

Did you know that 48% of business owners never follow up with a prospect after the first connection!?

Only 25% of business owners make a second connection and then stop.
Just 12% make 3 connections and then stop.
ONLY 10% of business owners make more than 3 connections.

Now let’s see when most sales are made…

2% of sales are made on the first point of contact
3% on the second
5% on the third
10% on the fourth connection

AND get this… 80% of sales are made on the fifth to twelfth point of contact.

You know what that means?

If you adopt this method and become a business owner who cares and connects with your contacts on a regular basis by offering valuable information or small gifts of value, you will be the 10% of business owners who are getting 80% of the sales.

You will be doing what most people won’t do.

Caring more about your contacts than you do about the sale, so in turn, you will get the sale.

This is why we offer completely obligation-free Strategy Sessions to prospective clients valued at $1500. Our customers know exactly what they’re getting before they start working with us.

Good Luck!

Have an amazing day,

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Enter your details to download 7 ways to get more customers

In this report you will discover the 7 main reasons you are not getting as many customers as you could be, which is leaving massive amounts of money on the table in your business.

But don’t worry, once we reveal these reasons to you, we will then show you exactly how to fix it, FAST!

Enter your details to download 7 ways to get more customers

In this report you will discover the 7 main reasons you are not getting as many customers as you could be, which is leaving massive amounts of money on the table in your business.

But don’t worry, once we reveal these reasons to you, we will then show you exactly how to fix it, FAST!

Digital Marketing Blog Unicorn Empire Media, 7 reasons download

Ready to Grow Your Business through
Internet Marketing?


If you are really ready for long term success and are ready to take your business to the next level then book your Free Strategy Session with us now. Valued at $1500, you will gain massive insights from a leading online marketing agency with no obligation to commit to anything further.

We only have a certain amount of time per month for these sessions. We ONLY work with business owners who are really serious about escalating their sales and increasing their revenue.  If you know that you are ready, book NOW.